“Grouted Soil and Rock Anchors” features AnchorTest

‘Grouted Soil and Rock Anchors’, authored by Dr. Devon Mothersille, Dr. Donald Bruce, and Professor Stuart Littlejohn, has been published after nearly four years of meticulous development. This comprehensive guide is designed for consulting engineers, contractors, civil, structural, and geotechnical engineering students, and asset owners who work with or encounter grouted anchors in their projects.

Grouted anchors are widely used worldwide to support a diverse range of structures. These geotechnical installations have proven effective in applications ranging from small retaining walls with just a few tonnes capacities to large-scale pre-stressed tendons capable of withstanding several thousand tonnes to resist direct tension, sliding, overturning, and dynamic loading in critical structures like dams. Additional uses include stabilising deep excavations, reinforcing bridge abutments, and securing various other types of geotechnical structures.

The book offers valuable insights through real-world examples, demonstrating the design, construction, testing, monitoring, and maintenance of grouted anchors. Whether for a seasoned professional or a student, Grouted Soil and Rock Anchors provides the knowledge to implement and manage these vital geotechnical systems successfully.

The innovative cloud-based app AnchorTest is featured in Chapter 7.7 of the book entitled “Real-time testing data analysis and management”.

Now available through Amazon and Routledge Books.

AnchorTest v2 with EN ISO 22477-5:2018-Test Method 1 is released

After 2 years of meticulous development and rigorous internal testing by the partnership of ground anchor specialist AnchorTest Ltd and the outstanding team of international geotechnical software developers hetGE LLC, the first major update to AnchorTest, the version 2 is here. Bringing the latest international ground anchor testing code, EN ISO 22477-5:2018 Test Method 1, AnchorTest v2 has many new and cutting edge features such as use of “Artificial Intelligence” for the estimation of anchor pull out resistance using creep rate measurements.

AnchorTest v2 is available for all corporate license holders as a free of charge update through Apple App Store.

Watch the new intro video for more

AnchorTest featured in new CIRIA report

The Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA) is a world renowned organisation that seeks to be a ‘leading enabler and preferred partner for the performance improvement, driving collaboration across built environment and construction sectors for the identification, development and transfer of knowledge’.  CIRIA has recent published  report C794 entitled ‘Grouted anchors and soil nails: inspection, condition assessment and remediation’, a unique document that satisfies industry needs. Interestingly, a section of the report describes the use of lift-off testing on anchors to determine residual load levels and we are delighted to announce that the innovative cloud-based app AnchorTest was featured in this regard. Specifically, a photograph showing the use of AnchorTest during suitability tests on ultra-high capacity anchors at Hazelmere dam in South Africa was included. The new C794 report is available on CIRIA website.

Bauer is using AnchorTest in Middle East

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The Middle East Regional branch of Bauer Spezialtiefbau GmbH, one of the world's leading specialist foundation contractors, has recently become a licensee of AnchorTest Ltd. As documented in the recent issue DFI Deep Foundations magazine, Bauer have successful implemented AnchorTest for real-time testing and data management on the Corniche Towers project in the United Arab Emirates. Following this project, Bauer have also used AnchorTest for permanent anchors on the  Duba Pump Station Project in Saudi Arabia and for removable SBMAs on the Global Gateway Residential Development in Abu Dhabi.

DFI Deep Foundations Magazine features AnchorTest

Deep Foundations magazine published by DFI (Deep Foundations Institute) enjoys an extensive worldwide readership and has recently published a five-page article featuring AnchorTest. The article includes the latest case-history updates from around the globe where AnchorTest has been used for real-time testing and data managementon challenging ground anchor projects. The September/October 2017 issue featuring AnchorTest can be viewed online here.

AnchorTest used for world’s highest capacity anchors at Hazelmere Dam

AnchorTest has been successfully used for real-time analysis and data management during the investigation test programme at Hazelmere dam in Kwazulu Natal, South Africa. This is the first use of this type of software by the specialist anchor contractor, SRG and the first use of this technology in South Africa. The test anchors comprised of up to 91 strands have been designed and executed in accordance with BS8081:1989, the highest capacity anchors have been subjected to the largest cyclically imposed test loads ever applied to an individual anchor.

AnchorTest featured in Foundation Drilling magazine

AnchorTest is featured in a major article in the Foundation Drilling magazine published by ADSC (The International Association of Foundation Drilling). The article runs to seven pages and has already received great reviews. The magazine has an extensive readership that includes thousands of engineers in the US and Canada. October 2016 issue featuring AnchorTest can be viewed online here.

Kasktas is using AnchorTest in their international projects

International geotechnical contractor Kasktas AS are successfully using AnchorTest on major projects in Izmir, Turkey; slope stabilization works at the STAR Aegean Oil Refinery and excavation support works for the Petkim Container Port Backyard. Kasktas (Moscow) have also used Anchortest for deep excavation support at the US Embassy New Office annex in Moscow, Russia.

These projects had highly demanding testing specifications and featured permanent ground anchors. The Izmir projects comprised with multi unit strand anchors (SBMAs) with up to 380tons of test load stressed and tested in accordance with BS8081:1989, and the US Embassy project in Moscow utilized pre-fabricated mono-bars installed and prestressed in accordance with the latest PTI DC35.1-14.
Kasktas saved time and money thanks to AnchorTest's tablet and cloud-based solution, which facilitates on-site analysis and data sharing to nominated parties instantaneously thereby speeding up the approval procedures for installed anchor certification and subsequent lock-off.